Corsair has announced a new color option for the RMx series power supplies, Arctic White. Readers with a watchful eye may remember that a while ago the company brought out a special edition of the RM1000i PSU in white. Now by popular demand, Corsair has made this a standard option for two of their PSUs, the RM750x and RM850x. 

The newly redecorated power supplies are otherwise identical to their existing black-painted counterparts. This means they have fully modular cabling which can minimize the amount of wires users need to use, and see, in their cases allowing for a cleaner look. The cables come already individually sleeved in white with black connectors using three layers of paracord for each. Also something of note, one will find in-line capacitors on the ATX, EPS12V, and PCIe cables which Corsair says helps reduce ripple and noise, and improve voltage regulation.

Features of the RMx series include a Zero RPM Fan Mode, where the rifle bearing 135mm fan sit idle during light to medium loads, only spinning up with heavy loads or at a specific temperature. On top of that The RMx line carries an 80 Plus Gold certification for efficiency, uses 100% all Japanese capacitors rated to 105C, and provides owners with a long 10 year warranty.

Corsair RM750x and RM850x Specifications
  RM750x RM850x
Rated Combined Rated Combined
+3.3V 25A 150W 25A 150W
+12V 62.5A 750W 70.8A 850W
-12V 0.8A 9.6W 0.8A 9.6W
+5Vsb 3A 15W 3A 15W
Total Power 750W 850W
Connector Type RM750x RM850x
ATX 24 Pin 1
EPS 4+4 Pin 1 2
PCIe 6+2 Pin 4 6
SATA 8 10
4P Molex 7 8
Floppy 1

The Artic White versions will fetch a $10 premium over the traditional charcoal/black RMx models. They are priced at $149.99 for the RM750x and $169.99 for the RM850x at the Corsair Website. Finally, Corsair is also stating that at least for now, this is it for white RMx PSUs; there are no plans to produce the lower wattage RMx series power supplies in white.

Related Reading:

Source: Corsair

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  • DanNeely - Friday, July 28, 2017 - link

    150W is a lot of power on the legacy rails, has Corsair said anything about why they're putting extra large DC-DC converters. I checked the last 10 articles tagged with PSU: Most were 90/100W of 3.3/5V, of the two that were higher one was a 1200W monster. The second was a normal size but being only 80+ Bronze was probably an older design.
  • prime2515103 - Friday, July 28, 2017 - link

    Because then they would be 690 and 790 watt PSU's and they wouldn't be able to charge as much for them.
  • DanNeely - Friday, July 28, 2017 - link

    Nope, that's an obsolete design you're thinking of. These're pure 12V models. Total rated power is out on the 12V rail, and the 3.3/5V is made from it using DC-DC converters. Every watt of power at delivered lower voltage is a watt less of 12V available.
  • jonnyGURU - Saturday, July 29, 2017 - link

    Derp. Know what you're talking about before commenting. The actual spec table is in article showing the +12V capability.
  • jonnyGURU - Saturday, July 29, 2017 - link

    For legacy support. Much for the same reason 20+4-pin connectors are used still.
  • DanNeely - Saturday, July 29, 2017 - link

    Are customers trying to keep old boxes running longer really the same market who're after PSUs with flashy looks though?
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