15 miles in an hour! That's heaven. Sometimes it takes me 20 minutes to cover the ~1.5 miles from home to work here in Bangalore :((, and that too on a two-wheeler. Imagine life in a car.
I never said Wal-Mart did anything to benefit their workers, so I don't know where you got that idea.
Maybe I said it wrong, but you got it right. Asians do work harder and have better work ethic than Americans, which is quite sad.
I never said making more money in a business will usually help emplyees or anyone else for that matter, except the executives. As far as I know, there are few companies like Nike who donate 5% of their profits to charities. Not everyone does that.
Actually, most of R&D used to happen here, but not anymore. Google, Microsoft, Intel, and AMD all have labs in India where they do their R&D because of lower costs. Still though, you can't just pick a guy of the streets to make a chip, even though it is a repetitive task. You need some qualifications.
I disagree that it takes brains and asians to excel at the IT industry, but thats fine. The fact that there may be a higher percentage of asian straight A students(which is completely debatable as well as stereotypical) is not a function of them simply being asian. maybe they actually have morals as well as ethics that make them work harder, unlike slobs in the U.S.
Making more money does not necessarily mean the business will use that money in a beneficial way.
I dont know much about the IT industry, but it was my impression that a lot of development happens here, while the chips and hardware are built(repetitively in factories) overseas. As of now i dont have any facts about this so i dont really have anything to say about it.
Do you condone being malevolent to consumers for higher profits? I dont.
give me an example in which walmart actually did something to benefit their employees, and I will believe you. as of now, the only good thing they have is that since walmart slashes prices at the expense of the workers, the workers can then afford to buy things at walmart. However, they cant shop ANYWHERE else.
#25: Actually that's not true. Technology companies (specifically) are not going to India and China because they can get the people to do repetitive tasks at lower wages; they are going there because Asians have minds. They are definitely smarter in technical subjects than an average American. I don't know your age, but ever wonder why majority of straight A students are Asians? It almost seems like technical subjects are natural to Asians, but that's not the point.
Cashiers and people like that don't make much money here. That's because their jobs are repetitive. All they have to do is scan items for eight hours a day and manage a bit of money. I don't think companies would really benefit by starting a whole new operation outside US just to get 10% (at the most) profits from repetitive tasks.
If you are talking about companies like Nike where Asians mostly make shoes day-in and day-out (sort of like cashiers) then yes, companies are benefitting from that, BUT let's face it - you don't exactly need an engineer degree to repeat steps over and over.
My whole point is mainly situated around the IT industry. IT requires brains and Asians excel at that.
As far as business practices go, yes, it does mean morals and ethics. Nike donates 5% of their profits to charities and what not, which is why they are considered to have better business practices. You are correct in saying that some companies don't test products and lie to consumers. However, doesn't lying and not testing products part of business morale and ethics. The company is more concerned about its profits rather than consumers, so it lies and deceives people. Monoploying your competitors is also bad business practice because you have to play fair all around. But as know, many companies don't do that.
Microsoft, for example, anything that Google does - Microsoft does the same thing. Microsoft basically killed Lindows because it was posing a threat to their market shares and it's only because they have more money to deal with situations like that.
In business, anytime you can take advantage of consumers or your competitors, based on your brand or the amount of money you have, is considerd immoral and unethical in the business world.
What's fair is that you use your money to create better products (and in wal-mart's case give benefits to your employees) to gain an edge over competition. It's not fair to use your money to try to buyout competition or something similar to that.
business is not something i ever want to be part of in this country. its pretty much common sense that you make more money in this country by "cutting costs." but business practice most certainly does not rely on company ethics or values. why do companies like monsanto make products without testing them to make sure they are safe? and why do they lie to consumers? the IT industry is not what i'm talking about here. and whether or not the idea of outsourcing has ANYTHING to do with higher education is entirely questionable. you can teach anyone to do a repetitive task. they don't even have to know that if they were in the U.S. they could make more money.
#22: I don't support child labor, but I do know that majority of the companies don't do that. IT industry is the one moving outsourcing these days and I highly doubt that children will be able to help make chips for Intel in sweaty labs. :-)
The companies you are talking about, like Nike, used to do that until they got caught. And now they stopped doing that. Yes, 3rd world countries don't have strict laws because they want companies to invest in their economy regardless the consequences.
The whole idea of outsourcing is to attain cheap labor with higher education and skilled people.
#21: Not only do the pop and mom stores close down, but stores like Kroger and Publix also have problems when Wal-mart opens around their locations. Wal-mart doesn't force jobs to go overseas. IT industry is the one doing outsourcing and wal-mart has practically no connections with this industry, so I don't get how they are forcing jobs to go overseas. Yes, wal-mart has issues with women, which is sad and should not happen. And yes, their benefits to employees are just as bad, so I agree with you there.
Apparently you have a lot to learn about business. Making billions does not mean that it's a good business practice. Business practice also relies on company ethics and values. Think about it, their employees would be a whole lot happier and appreciative if they can take couple billion dollars and offer benefits to their employees. The whole goal of a business is to make as much profit as possible. The whole point is to cut as many extra costs to show higher profit margins, but almost all businesses take care of their employees. And wal-mart is an exception to this rule.
Take some business classes in high school and you will find out about good vs. bad business practices. Business practices are completely different than profits.
IT jobs are not the sort of jobs i was thinking about. It is common support that in giving jobs to third world countries is good because people in poverty will benefit. The kind of jobs i'm talking about are more like those fo the apparel industry where children are exploited for labor. Asian countries do not have anywhere near as tight labor laws as the U.S. do, which allows for cheap child labor.
If it is your opinion that its ok to do this simply because we live in this market based economy where the only way to do better is by exploiting those below you, then i say F%$# capitalism.
Most of the countries that corporations have based their factories are south eastern asia. So india may be an exception. at this point i dont know anything about it or about the IT industry. (walmart doesnt make IT products...)
Its not like outsourcing helps the U.S. economy anyway. it just helps the fat get fatter.
OK, my point was that wal-mart forces jobs to go overseas b/c they have lots of clout (look it up at www.m-w.com) last year they made $250 billion dollars in sales, if you think that is "Very poor business practice" then you are mistaken, secondly women’s right in wal-mart are a joke, and there benefits are a joke as well. Thirdly, when wal-mart comes into a town they cause mom and pop stores, and 5 and dime stores to close down b/c they can accentually call the prices and if manufacturing companies won't go for that price then they stop selling that item, And finally I know that by me not shopping at wal-mart I makes no difference but at least I stand for something and not flow with the bandwagons.
#12: You sound like a person who just got fired from an IT job because of the lack of skills. Sorry buddy, but that's real life. It's a proven fact that lazy people with no skills never succeed in life and you are a fine example of that.
#19: Actually that's not what you meant. Your point was completely different that what #18 stated.
#18: I agree with the first part of your post. Wal-mart is the worst workplace with poor management. No wonder you see a wal-mart on every street corner these days; they take money from benefits and open another wal-mart. Very poor business practice, in my opinion.
I disagree with your second point. Yes, it's true that these companies are going overseas for cheap labor, but they are not making their employees work underpaid. For example: a Computer Engineer in the U.S. would get hired for no less than $70,000 per year. However, in places like India and China, they are getting hired for $24,000. Due to a sudden boom in the IT industry, the competition is tough, but that's life. You have to work hard to achieve something in life. Now, $24K in India and China (when you convert to their salary) literally makes them rich. Imagine getting $24K in India and China right out of college when you are 23 or 24 years old you are suddenly at the top of the totem poll. Due to their currency rate, U.S. companies are benefiting. Here's what companies want: Intelligence + Efficiency = Less Salary and you have a dream formula for a company.
By the way, the conditions are just as good in India and China as they are in the United States. There are human activists in both of these countries and with blogs becoming the norm, I know multi-million companies will not take the risk to keep their employees under poor conditions.
problem with walmart is not shipping jobs overseas. Problem is they have horrible wages for workers, horrible healthcare, and right now many women are suing walmart because of sexual harrassment. its not a safe place to work, it doesn't support any families, its only good for the idiot corporate bosses of our country.
Problem with shipping jobs overseas is that in other countries there are no laws saying that people must earn a living wage or that workers even have rights. theres nothing keeping bosses from creating horrible working conditions so hogs in the U.S. who already have enough money can have some more. is it right to make people work harder than they would in the U.S. and get 1/10th the money? thats for you to decide.
Enjoy your blog, but it's dirty. I'm speaking of the html (or xml, I'm not sure). There are open tags and open links that come through when it's read in bloglines or another rss reader.
For some things, clothes etc., (and gifts for an SO ;) ) its much better to shop at B&M. Otherwise you could be in for a surprise when the fedex guy comes.
Plus its an excuse to drive...
"I did a decent amount of gift shopping for Vinney in and around the city. The problem with living in Branford is that if you want anything other than what you can get at "the Walmart" you're pretty much out of luck"
You DROVE to the city from New Haven during rush hour? Do you always have such masochistic tendencies? Take Metro North!!!! That's what it's there for. Geeezzzz. I even looked up the price for you. It's $33 peak, and you won't have to pay for gas, tolls, parking, tickets, wear and tear on your car, etc. Plus you get to sit back and read or sleep for the whole 1.5 hours the ride takes. On at 7am in new Haven and in Grand Central at ~8:30.
You must really love driving to even attempt that.
#3, you sound like the typical unqualified IT manager that caused these jobs to go overseas! If IT management up throught CIO were more tech educated there would have been less bloat in the late 90's.
The new breed it Business and IT savvy. They are the future of IT.
#8: Just because I am pointing out a few differences between Intel and AMD platforms doesn't mean that I prefer one over the other. Intel is good for rendering while AMD is good for gaming.
As stated previously, all platforms have pluses and minuses, but then again - why am I even replying to you? You are an uninformed kid...
By the way, if you have the fastest Intel CPU, your games won't be laggy. I understand that it's not practical, but Intel chips do not give you laggy games. Please check your facts next time.
also ninja boy, i forgot you liked Intel to, go ahead have laggy games and get riped off when your shoping at wal-mart b/c you can't afford to drive any where, b/c you spent all your money on an overpriced intel chip, hey did you not read the article; below
Intel's Pentium 4 570J - Will 3.8GHz do the trick?
Review | Nov 14th, 2004 10:56 AM
Intel has been facing an uphill battle lately when it comes to striving for that performance crown. Now at 3.8GHz, are things any better?
I dont know if they do but they have 4500 some stores worldwide.
Why does it matter, we are turing into a global market anyway, there is very little that is made "in America" these days. Take a International Business class or something sheesh.
Anyway, Anand tell ATI we want an AGP version of their X800XL, that would be smashing.
#1: After Anand's comments, I decided to ignore you, but your ignorant comments simply amaze me. Thanks for clearing up the fact that you are still in high school, as it explains majority of your stupid comments.
Like Ninja_Dean said, don't comment on issues that you are unaware of and stop being a little hoe and pretending to be someone you are not (college student)...yeah, right. After all the lies in your last posts, I am sure your information is credible.
Do you even own a computer because with your computing knowledge it seems that you can't even tell the difference between AMD and Intel CPUs expect the MHz difference maybe.
#1: Uh, okay... You do realize that almost every company is sending jobs overseas, don't you. AMD and Intel both have research and development centers in India. Many high-tech companies have call centers there. Microsoft and Google both have research centers in India.
Are you going to lock yourself and not use anything because many companies are going off seas? Did you flunk Economics and other business courses in high school or did you not take them at all?
The whole point of operating a business is for profits. Labor overseas is much affordable than what you would find in the United States, so companies have a good reason to move to China and India.
If people like you (who are unaware of the economic conditions of the nation) continue to exist in the United States, I doubt any companies will exist here.
Please don't comment unless you know what you are talking about. Besides, do you think this little post that you made will really kill Walmart's business model. They could care less if people like you come to them or not. Walmart is one of the top businesses in the United States, so yell and preach all you want, but no one is listening to you.
Majority of the people can think on their own and know what they are talking about, so I am fairly sure they don't need your advice on anything.
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asdf - Saturday, February 12, 2005 - link
test replysdaf - Saturday, February 12, 2005 - link
asdfAnonymous - Tuesday, December 21, 2004 - link
Leave Anand alone- He is a tight wad little Indian nerd! Who with even half of the money that this kid makes would move to Branford CT?Anonymous - Monday, December 20, 2004 - link
Stay out of NYC, jeeze, never heard someone bitch so much of a commute. Take mass transit? Moron.Anonymous - Monday, December 20, 2004 - link
"nigga_dean,"Lets keep it simple: blow me!
From #12.
Appu - Monday, December 20, 2004 - link
15 miles in an hour! That's heaven. Sometimes it takes me 20 minutes to cover the ~1.5 miles from home to work here in Bangalore :((, and that too on a two-wheeler. Imagine life in a car.Ninja_Dean - Friday, December 17, 2004 - link
I never said Wal-Mart did anything to benefit their workers, so I don't know where you got that idea.Maybe I said it wrong, but you got it right. Asians do work harder and have better work ethic than Americans, which is quite sad.
I never said making more money in a business will usually help emplyees or anyone else for that matter, except the executives. As far as I know, there are few companies like Nike who donate 5% of their profits to charities. Not everyone does that.
Actually, most of R&D used to happen here, but not anymore. Google, Microsoft, Intel, and AMD all have labs in India where they do their R&D because of lower costs. Still though, you can't just pick a guy of the streets to make a chip, even though it is a repetitive task. You need some qualifications.
pete - Friday, December 17, 2004 - link
I disagree that it takes brains and asians to excel at the IT industry, but thats fine. The fact that there may be a higher percentage of asian straight A students(which is completely debatable as well as stereotypical) is not a function of them simply being asian. maybe they actually have morals as well as ethics that make them work harder, unlike slobs in the U.S.Making more money does not necessarily mean the business will use that money in a beneficial way.
I dont know much about the IT industry, but it was my impression that a lot of development happens here, while the chips and hardware are built(repetitively in factories) overseas. As of now i dont have any facts about this so i dont really have anything to say about it.
Do you condone being malevolent to consumers for higher profits? I dont.
give me an example in which walmart actually did something to benefit their employees, and I will believe you. as of now, the only good thing they have is that since walmart slashes prices at the expense of the workers, the workers can then afford to buy things at walmart. However, they cant shop ANYWHERE else.
Ninja_Dean - Friday, December 17, 2004 - link
#25: Actually that's not true. Technology companies (specifically) are not going to India and China because they can get the people to do repetitive tasks at lower wages; they are going there because Asians have minds. They are definitely smarter in technical subjects than an average American. I don't know your age, but ever wonder why majority of straight A students are Asians? It almost seems like technical subjects are natural to Asians, but that's not the point.Cashiers and people like that don't make much money here. That's because their jobs are repetitive. All they have to do is scan items for eight hours a day and manage a bit of money. I don't think companies would really benefit by starting a whole new operation outside US just to get 10% (at the most) profits from repetitive tasks.
If you are talking about companies like Nike where Asians mostly make shoes day-in and day-out (sort of like cashiers) then yes, companies are benefitting from that, BUT let's face it - you don't exactly need an engineer degree to repeat steps over and over.
My whole point is mainly situated around the IT industry. IT requires brains and Asians excel at that.
As far as business practices go, yes, it does mean morals and ethics. Nike donates 5% of their profits to charities and what not, which is why they are considered to have better business practices. You are correct in saying that some companies don't test products and lie to consumers. However, doesn't lying and not testing products part of business morale and ethics. The company is more concerned about its profits rather than consumers, so it lies and deceives people. Monoploying your competitors is also bad business practice because you have to play fair all around. But as know, many companies don't do that.
Microsoft, for example, anything that Google does - Microsoft does the same thing. Microsoft basically killed Lindows because it was posing a threat to their market shares and it's only because they have more money to deal with situations like that.
In business, anytime you can take advantage of consumers or your competitors, based on your brand or the amount of money you have, is considerd immoral and unethical in the business world.
What's fair is that you use your money to create better products (and in wal-mart's case give benefits to your employees) to gain an edge over competition. It's not fair to use your money to try to buyout competition or something similar to that.
pete - Friday, December 17, 2004 - link
business is not something i ever want to be part of in this country. its pretty much common sense that you make more money in this country by "cutting costs." but business practice most certainly does not rely on company ethics or values. why do companies like monsanto make products without testing them to make sure they are safe? and why do they lie to consumers? the IT industry is not what i'm talking about here. and whether or not the idea of outsourcing has ANYTHING to do with higher education is entirely questionable. you can teach anyone to do a repetitive task. they don't even have to know that if they were in the U.S. they could make more money.Ninja_Dean - Thursday, December 16, 2004 - link
#22: I don't support child labor, but I do know that majority of the companies don't do that. IT industry is the one moving outsourcing these days and I highly doubt that children will be able to help make chips for Intel in sweaty labs. :-)The companies you are talking about, like Nike, used to do that until they got caught. And now they stopped doing that. Yes, 3rd world countries don't have strict laws because they want companies to invest in their economy regardless the consequences.
The whole idea of outsourcing is to attain cheap labor with higher education and skilled people.
#21: Not only do the pop and mom stores close down, but stores like Kroger and Publix also have problems when Wal-mart opens around their locations. Wal-mart doesn't force jobs to go overseas. IT industry is the one doing outsourcing and wal-mart has practically no connections with this industry, so I don't get how they are forcing jobs to go overseas. Yes, wal-mart has issues with women, which is sad and should not happen. And yes, their benefits to employees are just as bad, so I agree with you there.
Apparently you have a lot to learn about business. Making billions does not mean that it's a good business practice. Business practice also relies on company ethics and values. Think about it, their employees would be a whole lot happier and appreciative if they can take couple billion dollars and offer benefits to their employees. The whole goal of a business is to make as much profit as possible. The whole point is to cut as many extra costs to show higher profit margins, but almost all businesses take care of their employees. And wal-mart is an exception to this rule.
Take some business classes in high school and you will find out about good vs. bad business practices. Business practices are completely different than profits.
LeonT - Thursday, December 16, 2004 - link
=5 they own/owned/partners with Asda if u count thatpete - Thursday, December 16, 2004 - link
IT jobs are not the sort of jobs i was thinking about. It is common support that in giving jobs to third world countries is good because people in poverty will benefit. The kind of jobs i'm talking about are more like those fo the apparel industry where children are exploited for labor. Asian countries do not have anywhere near as tight labor laws as the U.S. do, which allows for cheap child labor.If it is your opinion that its ok to do this simply because we live in this market based economy where the only way to do better is by exploiting those below you, then i say F%$# capitalism.
Most of the countries that corporations have based their factories are south eastern asia. So india may be an exception. at this point i dont know anything about it or about the IT industry. (walmart doesnt make IT products...)
Its not like outsourcing helps the U.S. economy anyway. it just helps the fat get fatter.
The_Necromancer - Thursday, December 16, 2004 - link
OK, my point was that wal-mart forces jobs to go overseas b/c they have lots of clout (look it up at www.m-w.com) last year they made $250 billion dollars in sales, if you think that is "Very poor business practice" then you are mistaken, secondly women’s right in wal-mart are a joke, and there benefits are a joke as well. Thirdly, when wal-mart comes into a town they cause mom and pop stores, and 5 and dime stores to close down b/c they can accentually call the prices and if manufacturing companies won't go for that price then they stop selling that item, And finally I know that by me not shopping at wal-mart I makes no difference but at least I stand for something and not flow with the bandwagons.The_Necromancer
Ninja_Dean - Thursday, December 16, 2004 - link
#12: You sound like a person who just got fired from an IT job because of the lack of skills. Sorry buddy, but that's real life. It's a proven fact that lazy people with no skills never succeed in life and you are a fine example of that.#19: Actually that's not what you meant. Your point was completely different that what #18 stated.
#18: I agree with the first part of your post. Wal-mart is the worst workplace with poor management. No wonder you see a wal-mart on every street corner these days; they take money from benefits and open another wal-mart. Very poor business practice, in my opinion.
I disagree with your second point. Yes, it's true that these companies are going overseas for cheap labor, but they are not making their employees work underpaid. For example: a Computer Engineer in the U.S. would get hired for no less than $70,000 per year. However, in places like India and China, they are getting hired for $24,000. Due to a sudden boom in the IT industry, the competition is tough, but that's life. You have to work hard to achieve something in life. Now, $24K in India and China (when you convert to their salary) literally makes them rich. Imagine getting $24K in India and China right out of college when you are 23 or 24 years old you are suddenly at the top of the totem poll. Due to their currency rate, U.S. companies are benefiting. Here's what companies want: Intelligence + Efficiency = Less Salary and you have a dream formula for a company.
By the way, the conditions are just as good in India and China as they are in the United States. There are human activists in both of these countries and with blogs becoming the norm, I know multi-million companies will not take the risk to keep their employees under poor conditions.
The_Necromancer - Thursday, December 16, 2004 - link
exatly my point.pete - Thursday, December 16, 2004 - link
problem with walmart is not shipping jobs overseas. Problem is they have horrible wages for workers, horrible healthcare, and right now many women are suing walmart because of sexual harrassment. its not a safe place to work, it doesn't support any families, its only good for the idiot corporate bosses of our country.Problem with shipping jobs overseas is that in other countries there are no laws saying that people must earn a living wage or that workers even have rights. theres nothing keeping bosses from creating horrible working conditions so hogs in the U.S. who already have enough money can have some more. is it right to make people work harder than they would in the U.S. and get 1/10th the money? thats for you to decide.
Taybach - Thursday, December 16, 2004 - link
Anand,Enjoy your blog, but it's dirty. I'm speaking of the html (or xml, I'm not sure). There are open tags and open links that come through when it's read in bloglines or another rss reader.
Thanks in advance for fixing it.
Vivan - Thursday, December 16, 2004 - link
For some things, clothes etc., (and gifts for an SO ;) ) its much better to shop at B&M. Otherwise you could be in for a surprise when the fedex guy comes.Plus its an excuse to drive...
klah - Thursday, December 16, 2004 - link
"I did a decent amount of gift shopping for Vinney in and around the city. The problem with living in Branford is that if you want anything other than what you can get at "the Walmart" you're pretty much out of luck"You still shop at B&M Anand? I am surprised.
Denial - Wednesday, December 15, 2004 - link
That's $33 round trip. :)Denial - Wednesday, December 15, 2004 - link
You DROVE to the city from New Haven during rush hour? Do you always have such masochistic tendencies? Take Metro North!!!! That's what it's there for. Geeezzzz. I even looked up the price for you. It's $33 peak, and you won't have to pay for gas, tolls, parking, tickets, wear and tear on your car, etc. Plus you get to sit back and read or sleep for the whole 1.5 hours the ride takes. On at 7am in new Haven and in Grand Central at ~8:30.You must really love driving to even attempt that.
Anonymous - Wednesday, December 15, 2004 - link
#3, you sound like the typical unqualified IT manager that caused these jobs to go overseas! If IT management up throught CIO were more tech educated there would have been less bloat in the late 90's.The new breed it Business and IT savvy. They are the future of IT.
Ninja_Dean - Wednesday, December 15, 2004 - link
#8: Just because I am pointing out a few differences between Intel and AMD platforms doesn't mean that I prefer one over the other. Intel is good for rendering while AMD is good for gaming.As stated previously, all platforms have pluses and minuses, but then again - why am I even replying to you? You are an uninformed kid...
By the way, if you have the fastest Intel CPU, your games won't be laggy. I understand that it's not practical, but Intel chips do not give you laggy games. Please check your facts next time.
Demo - Wednesday, December 15, 2004 - link
I wanna know what the meeting was about :P I shall look forward to seeing it realised here even if it is next year :)RKON - Wednesday, December 15, 2004 - link
Drive to NYC???? Are you nuts. Next time drive to Hew Haven and take the train right in to Grand Central. 1.5 hour ride !!The_Necromancer - Wednesday, December 15, 2004 - link
also ninja boy, i forgot you liked Intel to, go ahead have laggy games and get riped off when your shoping at wal-mart b/c you can't afford to drive any where, b/c you spent all your money on an overpriced intel chip, hey did you not read the article; belowIntel's Pentium 4 570J - Will 3.8GHz do the trick?
Review | Nov 14th, 2004 10:56 AM
Intel has been facing an uphill battle lately when it comes to striving for that performance crown. Now at 3.8GHz, are things any better?
the answer in no it did not.
static1117 - Wednesday, December 15, 2004 - link
I dont know if they do but they have 4500 some stores worldwide.Why does it matter, we are turing into a global market anyway, there is very little that is made "in America" these days. Take a International Business class or something sheesh.
Anyway, Anand tell ATI we want an AGP version of their X800XL, that would be smashing.
The_Necromancer - Wednesday, December 15, 2004 - link
hey, Ninja_Dean, thats the beauty of free tradeThe_Necromancer - Wednesday, December 15, 2004 - link
ok shop at wal-mart then. Wait do they have any in the united kingdom?Dee - Wednesday, December 15, 2004 - link
#1: After Anand's comments, I decided to ignore you, but your ignorant comments simply amaze me. Thanks for clearing up the fact that you are still in high school, as it explains majority of your stupid comments.Like Ninja_Dean said, don't comment on issues that you are unaware of and stop being a little hoe and pretending to be someone you are not (college student)...yeah, right. After all the lies in your last posts, I am sure your information is credible.
Do you even own a computer because with your computing knowledge it seems that you can't even tell the difference between AMD and Intel CPUs expect the MHz difference maybe.
Shut up dumbass!
Ninja_Dean - Wednesday, December 15, 2004 - link
#1: Uh, okay... You do realize that almost every company is sending jobs overseas, don't you. AMD and Intel both have research and development centers in India. Many high-tech companies have call centers there. Microsoft and Google both have research centers in India.Are you going to lock yourself and not use anything because many companies are going off seas? Did you flunk Economics and other business courses in high school or did you not take them at all?
The whole point of operating a business is for profits. Labor overseas is much affordable than what you would find in the United States, so companies have a good reason to move to China and India.
If people like you (who are unaware of the economic conditions of the nation) continue to exist in the United States, I doubt any companies will exist here.
Please don't comment unless you know what you are talking about. Besides, do you think this little post that you made will really kill Walmart's business model. They could care less if people like you come to them or not. Walmart is one of the top businesses in the United States, so yell and preach all you want, but no one is listening to you.
Majority of the people can think on their own and know what they are talking about, so I am fairly sure they don't need your advice on anything.
The_Necromancer - Wednesday, December 15, 2004 - link
con-AMD IN hl2 cpu scalingThe_Necromancer - Wednesday, December 15, 2004 - link
(1) don't buy anything from wal-mart unless you support shiping jobs overseas,(2) MAKE SURE YOU INCLUDE 3500