
With the conclusion of round one of the comparison, NVIDIA has taken the overall lead due to 3dfx's poor performing OpenGL ICD.  Among the important points illustrated by the benchmarks, one of the most important is that the clock speed of your graphics processor increases in importance as the resolution of your games increase.   At 640 x 480 the TNT2, TNT2 Ultra, and overclocked TNT2 Ultra performed virtually identical to one another, however at 1024 x 768 the differences grow to 12% and 5% respectively.  If you're debating as to whether or not a Voodoo3 3000 is worth the added cost over a 2000, or whether the TNT2 Ultra is all that much faster than a regular TNT2 for your Super7 system, ask yourself this question, what resolutions do I plan on running at?

Let's see what happens when the clock speed of the systems drop in addition to the inclusion of some old school performers to the valuable are those Voodoo2's now?  Till next time...

Direct3D Performance
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