GPU Performance

GPU performance of the new OnePlus 8 devices should be interesting as we finally have more Snapdragon 865 platforms at hand to test, beyond the initial Galaxy S20 scores that we were able to showcase a few months ago.

Basemark GPU 1.2 - Medium 1440p - Off-Screen / Blit

Starting off with BaseMark GPU 1.2, we’re seeing some very good results from both OnePlus 8 phones. Although peak performance is just a tad little bit lower than the Galaxy S20 Ultra, both OnePlus phones are able to showcase much better sustained performance figures with essentially no throttling after prolonged usage.

GFXBench Aztec Ruins - High - Vulkan/Metal - Off-screen GFXBench Aztec Ruins - Normal - Vulkan/Metal - Off-screen GFXBench Manhattan 3.1 Off-screen GFXBench T-Rex 2.7 Off-screen


The same characteristic of both OnePlus phones having essentially matched peak and sustained performance figures is essentially mimicked in all other GFXBench tests. Again, this comes at a contrast of our first impression of the Snapdragon 865 that we tested in the S20.

I’ve since then also been able to test the LG V60 and the Xiaomi Mi 10 Pro to have a wider repertoire of Snapdragon 865 phones and all of them seem to perform similarly to the OnePlus 8 and OnePlus 8 Pro, showcasing excellent sustained performance characteristics.

The OnePlus 8 phones had excellent thermal behaviour during the stress tests, with the phone never exceeding ~37-38°C peak skin temperatures which points out to fantastic heat dissipation from the SoC to the whole phone body.

These new test results finally give meaning to Qualcomm’s initial claims of excellent thermal behaviour of the new chipset and that it is able to indefinitely maintain its peak performance. Both OnePlus 8 phones are able to materialise this claim and will have no issues with providing excellent performance in games.

System Performance Display Measurement
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  • jaju123 - Monday, June 29, 2020 - link

    Hi Andrei thanks for the review.

    Did you encounter the low brightness green tint issue on the OP8 Pro? I haven't seen any mention of it here.

  • Andrei Frumusanu - Monday, June 29, 2020 - link

    I didn't have the problem on my device.
  • MrPhilo - Tuesday, June 30, 2020 - link

    New update has increased minimum brightness so you would not see it anymore. Installing a custom kernel and changing the brightness to lowest you will see it.
  • Flunk - Monday, June 29, 2020 - link

    Sure, if flagship means adding a bunch of pointless features and charging too much for the phone. I think reviewers failing to take value into account in reviews have to take at least some of the blame for these crazy phone prices.

    Oneplus' quest to make their products irrelevant has now met its totally forseen conclusion.
  • BedfordTim - Monday, June 29, 2020 - link

    It would be nice to see a flagship camera in something like a P30 Lite.
  • close - Tuesday, June 30, 2020 - link

    That's kind of what flagship means... Manufacturers bundle the best they have and when they run out of the good stuff they start bundling trinkets, bells, whistles, ribbons... And for most people buying the flagship isn't a matter of need but of want. They have the money, they want the image, even if many of the actual features are superfluous.

    I think what the title actually means is that OP started up by branding the devices as "flagship killer", the "80% flagship at 20% of the price" so to speak. With OP8 they are now "just" a flagship. As an OP owner I have a hard time justifying 700-1000E for this. That's not to say it's bad but it doesn't stand out of "the pack" (overstatement, I know) of Android flagships.
  • pjcamp - Tuesday, June 30, 2020 - link

    I dunno. I see flagships subtracting options. You can't have expandable storage, you can't have a headphone jack, but you need to pay more to do without those things.
  • s.yu - Wednesday, July 1, 2020 - link

    Couldn't agree more!
  • Retycint - Thursday, July 2, 2020 - link

    Flagships were never meant to be good value-for-money. Not in the smartphone industry, not in the electronics industry, not ever.
  • eastcoast_pete - Monday, June 29, 2020 - link

    Thanks Andrei! I especially appreciate the section and detail on the video performance. However, that leaves me with a question: so, which phone is currently the best for video? It seems that even the so-called flagship models all have significant problems; one has artifacts, the next doesn't do a good job on stabilizing etc. So, which one is currently the leading candidate?

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