by Anand Lal Shimpi on April 27, 1999 2:32 PM EST

As far as the memory clock of TNT2 boards is concerned, once again, there is no set specification from nVidia, rather a suggestion that keeps the memory clock within the 140MHz  200MHz range depending on memory availability. Potentially, the TNT2 has the ability to be offered in 175/200MHz (core/memory) configurations, however realistically, the most popular and the most affordable solutions will probably be the 125MHz and 150MHz models.

Digital Flat Panel Output is an increasingly popular feature, and as you can expect, the TNT2 supports it. Although the port on the TNT2 will most likely go unused for at least another few months, the inclusion of the feature is more for marketing appeal rather than practicality. Dont worry, nVidia isnt the only one doing it, 3dfx and S3 have already hopped on this bandwagon.

2D Image Quality

One of the least frequently stressed factors in deciding on what your next graphics accelerator will be is the 2D image quality of the video card. For most users, those that run at resolutions of 1024 x 768 or less, the 2D image quality of all mainstream video cards is generally equal. However, when you take a user that is aiming to be able to use their system for games and professional applications, running at resolutions greater than 1024 x 768, and with higher refresh rates, 2D image quality does come into play.

NVIDIA tackled the problem of 2D image quality, a prominent problem with most TNT video cards, by integrating a 300MHz RAMDAC into the TNT2. The 300MHz RAMDAC, coupled with the hopefully superior design and implementation of the TNT2 in most manufacturers' cards, should make the TNT2 much more of a winner in terms of 2D image quality.


It is obvious that the 2D image quality of the TNT2 has been greatly improved over that of the TNT, however as with any discussion of 2D image quality, your mileage may vary depending on the card as well as how well your particular card was manufactured. It's unfortunate, but as long as you stick to reference design TNT2 boards, you're guaranteed 2D image quality that is at least better than the original TNT. It looks like Matrox and Number Nine will stay on top of the 2D image quality for a little while longer.

Although the TNT2 supports resolutions up to 2046 x 1536, anything above 1600 x 1200 began to grow a bit fuzzy in AnandTech's tests. Keep in mind that the TNT2 isn't a professional quality 2D accelerator, but for a chipset that will be sold on boards for around $120, the TNT2 isn't half bad. Depending on the card manufacturer and the quality of the board, a TNT2 is about on-par with that of a Voodoo3 in terms of 2D quality, however the 350MHz RAMDAC of the Voodoo3 3000/3500 does give it the edge in some cases.

The 2D performance of the TNT2 is on-par with that of 3dfx's Voodoo3 3000, but you should keep in mind that 2D performance is at a point right now where there is very little difference between two competitors of the same generation. Instead, you'll want to concentrate on the image quality of those 2D performers, something you don't always consider when you're in the market for a 3D accelerator.

The Specifications 3D Image Quality
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