Special Purpose Hardware - Intel's take on Cell

Intel has spoken a bit about including special purpose hardware in their forthcoming processors, although there's no indication of when other than sometime between 2005 and 2015.

Addressing Power Consumption

Intel did mention a bit about dynamic logic design as a method of decreasing power consumption, but they didn't go into much depth. Some of the techniques talked about are similar to what we've seen used in Cell.


Final Words

Despite the fact that there's not a lot of tangible stuff that was disclosed at IDF, we can't help feeling but that this IDF is a very important point in time. Honestly we can't wait for a lot of these technologies to come to fruition. Intel may have just done a disservice, because at this point, nothing on their immediate roadmap seems all that interesting anymore.

The successor to Pentium 4 is...
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  • RadeonGuy - Thursday, March 3, 2005 - link

    in soviet russia people learn to shutup the hell up
  • Brian23 - Thursday, March 3, 2005 - link

    In Soviet Russia, paper launches you!

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