How about a walk on the beach?

Just like in the original Half Life, Half Life 2's levels are split into multiple parts and are loaded as you encounter them in order to make the game flow more like a story rather than your average first person shooter.  Our next benchmark is a continuation of the d2_coast levels: d2_coast_12. 

This particular demo takes place on a beach during the early morning.  In the demo, our player walks along the beach only to be ambushed by a few soldiers, which he mows through with ease.  Here's where things get interesting though; one of the most stressful shaders in the entire game is located in the d2_coast_12 level.  There are a couple of huts armed with machine guns placed on the beach, but to protect the operator of the gun there's a bit of protective glass much like a windshield at the front of the huts.  The glass shaders end up severely reducing frame rate, although with all of the cards we have here the game is still playable. 

Our player stares at the glass of one of these huts for a bit before moving on, finally coming across a couple of enemies in an elevated hut.  The player fires a few rockets at the hut, which produce explosions that are also fairly GPU intensive, while being shot at from above.  The demo closes with our player tossing a grenade at the enemy hut as a last resort. 


We chose this level and section of the game for two reasons: 1) The GPU intensive glass shader we mentioned earlier intrigued us and slowed down even the fastest GPUs, and 2) the level had a lot of good combat which we were lacking from some of the other demos.  Once again, you can see how this demo is also typical of Half Life 2 gameplay. 

Once again, the standings remain virtually unchanged in this demo with the 9700 and 9600XT performing very well. The Radeon X300 and GeForce 6200 also perform very closely to one another here:

Half Life 2 AT_coast_12 Demo

In DX8 mode there's more of the same, the 5900XT does pretty well as does the age old GeForce4:

Half Life 2 AT_coast_12 Demo

Let’s go for a Drive In Jail, with Friends
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  • klah - Saturday, November 20, 2004 - link

    "cant wait for CPU benches"

    Check out these:
  • KevinCQU - Saturday, November 20, 2004 - link

    #17, I'm running the game on a regular GF3, AXP2500+ @2.2 and 512 ram. It runs smoothly at directx8 settings, I turned down the water quality though, havent tried turning it up yet, been busy playing the game ;) I'm impressed though....its definitely playable at 1024 and it looks pretty nice too
  • ksherman - Friday, November 19, 2004 - link

    #17, im probably gonna try and run the game (GF2 TI200, but OCed to Ti400 speeds ;), so ill let you know if itll work...
  • ksherman - Friday, November 19, 2004 - link

    dumbish question--> i i wanna play in DX7 or 8 mode, do i need to install different driers, or do i just use the ingmae settings? I dont actually own the game yet, so thats why i ask...
  • kmmatney - Friday, November 19, 2004 - link

    I can't believe how much better DirectX looks compared to OpenGL. Seems like Id made the wrong choice...
  • GonzoDaGr8 - Friday, November 19, 2004 - link

    Aaargh..Has anyone ran this game yet on a Geforce3(regular/Ti200/Ti500) based card yet? I'm curious as I have a Ti200 and could run this is DX8 mode..
  • skiboysteve - Friday, November 19, 2004 - link

    #13 is exactly right

    its not all OpenGL vs DX or nvidia optimization to ati optimization.

    look back at anands article about the graphics pipeline on each of these cards. Doom3 was extremly texture intensive, doing allot of lookup to tables instead of doing the math.

    nv30 and nv40 are very good at doing texture look ups, and only the nv40 is good at the math. nv30 had a very non math friendly pipeline.

    the r300-r400 were better at math.

    its all in the articles on this very website.
  • bupkus - Friday, November 19, 2004 - link

    I have a Ti4200 w/ 64MB ram and I changed from 1024x768 to 800x600 to fix some occasional stutter problems; it didn't help.
    Which res should I probably be able to run in. I have a 2500+ Barton OC'd to 2.2GHz with 2x256 OCZ PC3500 EL.
    Just for fun, I went to 1280x1024 for my LCD just to see how it would look (without movement) and it was very nice.
  • skunkbuster - Friday, November 19, 2004 - link

    also, nvidia is known to be better at openGl games and weaker in games that use dx.

    the same as ati is known to be better at dx games, and weaker in openGl games.

    doom3= open gl
  • Falloutboy - Friday, November 19, 2004 - link

    #10 its because Doom 3 was very texture intensive based, which the 5xxx series of nvidia exceled at and HL2 is a very shader intensive engine wit hless emphasis on texutures, and as we all know by now the 5xxx series sucked in DX9 shaders

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