ASUS and Gainward

ASUS had a very clean layout for their upcoming line of products, showing off their high end and mid-range products from both ATI and NVIDIA in both AGP and PCI Express flavors.

Seeing all these cards next to each other stirred a renewed sense of excitement over the ongoing battle in us. This will be a very exciting couple of quarters with the gap between ATI and NVIDIA much closer than in previous years, and even more questions of who does what the right way.


As for Gainward, their new copper cooler 6800 was on display...

...along with their previous generation SilentFX and CoolFX products. There were plenty of massive red heatsinks to go around at this booth.

Albatron and Chaintech GeCube and Leadtek
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  • ZobarStyl - Saturday, June 5, 2004 - link

    I'm really looking forward to those LeadTek chips...I've had nothing but good things come out of my card from them. Also, they never use the NV stock cooling so the O/C's are much better as Derek mentioned. Hope the GT's hit soon...
  • SUOrangeman - Saturday, June 5, 2004 - link

    Not too many new dual-DVI offers. Sigh.
  • Xentropy - Saturday, June 5, 2004 - link

    "Why would they restrict pictures and descriptions from Comutex?"

    I think you misunderstood the comment. By "can't publish pictures and descriptions of all the countless booths and companies" he meant simply that there is a lack of time and server bandwidth to take, host, and caption thousands of pictures from hundreds of booths, not that they're not ALLOWED to take all the pictures they are able.
  • notoriousformula - Saturday, June 5, 2004 - link

    "Why would they restrict pictures and descriptions from Comutex?"

    I think he ran outta SC..LOL

  • jrphoenix - Saturday, June 5, 2004 - link

    "channel allocation of the 6800 Ultra parts was somewhere between 50 on the low end to 100 on the high end. Not that such small numbers really need perspective, but when we heard that allocation was low, we expected to hear that it was only a couple thousand."

    Wow... sounds like the 6800 is turning out to be a paper launch for the forseeable future. Diappointing... Maybe I can wait a bit longer to see the actual retail products with mature drivers going head to head (x800 & 6800)
  • KillaKilla - Saturday, June 5, 2004 - link

    Why would they restrict pictures and descriptions from Comutex?

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