How Xtreme are we talking?

As we mentioned before, the ApeXtreme will play any off-the-shelf PC game, but given that the OS is not exposed to the end user how do you install/play the games? The claim of support for any PC game does have one caveat – the game must be supported by a special script that will install/run the game when the disc is inserted. Apex is working on developing scripts for as many games as possible, with around 600 ready right now. The script basically detects the game and handles all of the installation of the game onto the hard drive; the installation process obviously takes a while but once it is complete you can just insert the game disc and you will be able to play the game.

This is the screen that you are greeted with when you power the system on

The unit we were playing with already had Star Wars Rogue Squadron installed, so putting the Rogue Squadron disc in the DVD drive resulted in a launcher screen popping up after several seconds.


From the launcher screen you can elect to play the game, which will start the game just like double clicking an executable would on a PC. All of the features of the game are available to you by default, meaning you could turn up the resolution, turn off features, reconfigure your controls, etc… Since we're talking about unmodified PC games, a keyboard is pretty much necessary to get the best gaming experience possible, which is why Apex was demonstrating the unit with a wireless keyboard.

The default resolution the system will run at is 1024x768, while all games will run at their default installed resolution. Remember that since all games have to be installed onto the hard drive just like you would on a PC, the drive can eventually fill up. In the event that there isn't enough room to install a game, the least used game will be deleted in order to make room for the new game. If you decide to go back and play that older game you'll have to go through the same installation process when you insert the older game disc.

Since we are talking about a PC the ApeXtreme could potentially run much more than games, although Apex and VIA are just focusing on games at this point.

Introducing the ApeXtreme Under the Hood
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  • titananandtech - Saturday, January 10, 2004 - link

    I already own a GameCube and PS2 and love them. I also own a PC and it's fun too, but sometimes I wish I was playing my PC games in my living room instead of in the office. I guess I could build my own living room PC pretty easily, but this has it done already!

    I'd love to see Homeworld2 in all its glory on the big screen. But how will I control it? I wireless track ball? A wireless keyboard/mouse combo set up on a TV tray? I don't get it..
  • klah - Saturday, January 10, 2004 - link

    "Madden 2004...either 640 x 480 or 800x600 given the degree of aliasing as you can see in the image below."

    See where?

  • Cygni - Saturday, January 10, 2004 - link

    I dont think it will do too well...
  • Kishkumen - Saturday, January 10, 2004 - link

    Unfortunately, I think this is a bad idea in it's current form. The living room gaming space is already too saturated especially with Gamecubes in the $100 range. They hinted about a multimeda type appliance and I think VIA/Apex would have been better off pursuing the higher end home theater market rather than console gaming. With the popularity of HDTV increasing, I think there would be much higher demand for a good HDTV based Tivo-like personal video recorder.
  • sandorski - Saturday, January 10, 2004 - link

    I too think it's an interesting idea. If they had a customized version of WinXP, something like this could make a good retro PC Games box, as newer games will be very difficult to play on it.
  • NYHoustonman - Saturday, January 10, 2004 - link

    Very interesting idea...
  • KristopherKubicki - Saturday, January 10, 2004 - link

    Yes, it will run pre-approved PC games.

  • AgaBooga - Saturday, January 10, 2004 - link

    I wonder if this will be able to run PC games or not...

    It would be very nice if you take a pc game you have and run it on a console that easily...

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