Air-Cooled @ 10GHz, today

The culmination of these aforementioned technologies was in an air-cooled 10GHz 32-bit ALU running at room temperature:

A 10GHz clock frequency

The ALU's clock signal, it's not as smooth because of the exposed environmental conditions

Click to Enlarge
- The test setup, there's a 10GHz ALU in there


Here's the ALU.

Proof that it works, try adding 1 to 2147483646 at 10GHz

Improving Adders Multi-core CPUs: The Intel Way
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  • Dr AB - Monday, May 11, 2020 - link

    Why using 2,147,483,646 ..?? Why exactly this number and adding 1 to it? .. proof of 10GHz? Why not just 1+1 ..??

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